Summer 2024



Compassionate Communication Intro/Practice Group
        First Friday of every month. Cancelled for August, Next date is September 6. More info forthcoming about future dates.

REALationship 101, ON LINE AND IN PERSON, 7 Tuesdays, July 9 - August 27, Skipping August 13. 7-9 pm, Cost: $175

REALationship 101, ON LINE ONLY, 2 Saturdays, August 3 & 10, 10 am - 4 pm, Cost: $175

REALationship 201, ON LINE AND IN PERSON, 7 Wednesdays, July 10 - August 28, Skipping August 14, 7-9 pm, Cost: $175

REALationship 401, ON LINE AND IN PERSON, 7 Thursdays, July 11 - August 29, Skipping August 15, 7-9 pm, Cost: $175



SkillShop Practice Class, NOT OFFERED THIS ROUND


Compassion Day Camp
         On hold for now. Contact Steve if you would like to help organize it.

Compassion Summer Camp, August 15-18, 2024, at Earthaven Ecovillage.

Classes are held ON LINE AND IN PERSON, except where noted.
Anyone who is experiencing financial challenges is welcome to pay whatever they can afford. See that option on the registration page.

REAL Index

Percent of movies about relationships: 80
Percent of songs about relationships: 85
Percent of energy spent on relationships: 90
Percent of education devoted to relationship skills: .1